Vocations to the Sister Adorers


Upon entering the Sister Adorers, a young lady is called a postulant. Wearing a simple black dress and the postulant cross, without vows or religious name, postulancy is a year of discernment in which the young lady begins to learn the life of a Sister Adorer at the house of novitiate in Naples, Italy.

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At the end of this time of initial discernment, following the guidance of her superiors and spiritual director, she will be invited to receive the Holy Habit and enter the Novitiate. It is during this ceremony that the sister receives her new religious name.

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The novitiate is a period of several years dedicated to deepening the interior life and life of virtue, particularly the virtues of humility, obedience, generosity, and charity, in further discernment and in preparation to offer herself entirely to God through the holy vows.

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Requirements for Prospective Candidates

To discern a religious vocation with the Sister Adorers, a young lady must already be 18 years old. For girls who are not yet 18, the recommendation is to pray and give oneself to all the virtues appropriate for a young lady in her current state in life: obedience and respect to parents, charity toward siblings, faithfully fulfilling chores and studies.

It is through the practice of little virtues in the here and now that a soul can best prepare herself for responding to whatever vocation God calls her to in the future.

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Frequent Vocation Questions


Learn more about a Vocation with the Adorers

If you would like to learn more about vocations with the Adorers of the Royal Heart, please contact them through their website.