Over 40 Seminarians and Oblates Ordained: Ordination to the Minor Orders

On November 1st, feast of All Saints, the clerical tonsure as well as the minor orders of porter and lector, exorcist, and acolyte were conferred on more than 40 seminarians. His Excellency, Bishop Luciano Giovannetti, Emeritus Bishop of Fiesole, conferred these orders during a beautiful ceremony at the Institute's international seminary in Gricigliano.
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This year, Abbé Mark Halisky and Abbé Lance Gerbig, oblates assisting the Institute's canons in St. Louis and Columbus respectively, received the clerical tonsure. 
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Abbé Raymond Schmidt, assisting at the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago, was ordained porter and lector.
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"I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house; and the place where thy glory dwelleth."
Psalm 25:8