A Christmas Present for the Infant King: New Choir Loft Updates

The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest thanks you all very much for your prayers and support that have brought us this far.
Together, let us thank God for His Providence in our world by giving the Christ Child a special gift this Christmas. As the angels sing “Gloria in excelsis Deo” to the newborn King, we can offer the Infant Jesus the unique Christmas gift of a new choir loft from which voices will sing His praises during Holy Mass at the Shrine of Christ the King, the spiritual center of our U.S. Provincial Headquarters.
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Our construction crew will soon complete the church’s new concrete floor slab and radiant heat system. After the holidays, the workers will be ready to build this new choir loft for the total price of $110,000. To get us started, two anonymous donors have volunteered to match the first $40,000. 
Thanks to the generosity of many donors, we have already raised over $60,000 for this project. Because of your great generosity, we have been able to match 100% of the $40,000 matching gift from our anonymous donors!
We still have $10,000 left to fundraise. Would you be able to help us finish funding this beautiful choir loft? Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute. 
Together, let’s pitch in for this Christmas present in honor of our Infant King! 
"Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: let his praise be in the church of the saints."
Psalm 149:1