An Oblate Reflects: St. Joseph, Model of Oblates

The following spiritual reflection was contributed by an oblate of the Institute.
2022 03 anoblaterefelctsst joseph
As the Foster Father of Jesus Christ, St. Joseph offered his life in continual service of the Christ Child. He patiently suffered confusion and hardship to take care of the Most Blessed Virgin before Christ was even born, and then he continued to patiently guide the Holy Family to Egypt and back. In Nazareth, as a carpenter, we can be sure that St. Joseph worked hard to provide for the physical necessities of that perfect family of which he, though imperfect, was the legitimate head. Finally, St. Joseph was in no way disconnected from the extremely profound spirituality and prayer that Our Lord and Our Lady shared on Earth in adoration of the Most Blessed Trinity. 
2022 03 anoblatereflectsstjoseph2
Similarly, the Oblates of the Institute offer their lives in continual service of Christ through His Church and the men who represent Him on Earth: Priests. The Oblates patiently take care of the Churches where Christ rests in the Tabernacle like that Virginal Womb of Our Lady. They help in the houses and communities of the Institute to provide in whatever way they can for the physical necessities of life in common with the Canons. Finally and most importantly, they are in no way disconnected from the profound spirituality and prayer of the Sacred Liturgy which is the core of the canonical lifestyle which the Canons and Oblates share within the Institute.
2022 03 anoblatereflectsstjoseph3
St. Joseph is a model of the oblate lifestyle as it exists in the Institute of Christ the King. This Lent, let us meditate on what it means to be an Offering, to be an Oblation like St. Joseph, like Our Lord in His Passion who was Priest and Victim. Let us all look for opportunities to be little oblates each day by patiently listening to and caring for others, by taking care of the people near us, and most importantly by offering ourselves wholeheartedly at the Sacred Liturgies of the Church especially Holy Mass. 
2022 03 anoblatereflectsstjoseph4
Please pray for the Oblates of the Institute! During Lent, consider offering a holy communion, a Holy Rosary or a special prayer to St. Joseph so that these men might have the graces they need to imitate him who offered himself so perfectly to Christ the Infant King. Thank you.
"He was offered because it was his own will."
Isaiah 53:7