Summer Boys Camp in Wisconsin

During the second week of July, over one hundred young men descended upon the picturesque fields and forests of rural northern Wisconsin for the St. Michael’s Patrol youth camp under the direction of the priests and clergy of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

The historical theme of this year’s camp was the “Holy League,” an alliance of Christian nations under the leadership of Pope St Pius V.  In 1571, the Holy League’s fleet defeated the Muslim Turks in the battle of Lepanto, ending the immediate threat of Islamic aggression in Western Europe.  The Holy Father, attributing the victory to the pious recitation of the rosary by the faithful, instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory in the battle’s aftermath.

The campers, therefore, in the spiritual exercises and talks given during the week, learned of the necessity of God’s grace to elevate the natural virtues and overcome the obstacles and threats to Catholic men today.  They were able to grow in the practice of the Catholic faith through confession, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and daily rosary processions.  At the same time, they participated in a wide-variety of activities, including archery, horseback riding, relay races, flag wars, and the ever popular skits, songs and games of the evening camp fire.

The week was capped on Friday with a Solemn High Mass in honor of the camp’s celestial patron, St Michael the Archangel.  The celebrant, Canon Aaron Huberfeld, spoke to the campers and their families about the virtue of perseverance in one’s vocation or state in life, challenging the young man to imitate the beautiful examples of fidelity to God given by their predecessors.

- Abbe Ryan Post, seminarian