Fr. Herman 25th Anniversary Celebrations

Father Herman

On the Feast of Most Precious Blood, a special celebration at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis marked a milestone in the priestly life of one of the Institute's affiliated priests: Father Jean-Pierre Herman, who celebrated his 25th Ordination Anniversary. Originally from Belgium, Father Herman was received as an affiliate priest of the Institute in 2011 at the Canons' Retreat in St. Louis. This past year he has been welcomed by the community at Old St. Patrick's Oratory in Kansas City, as well as at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis. We are most grateful for his presence in our apostolates, and for the opportunity to celebrate his twenty-five years dedicated to the service of Holy Mother Church.

Following the 10:00 AM Solemn High Mass celebrated by Father Herman at the Oratory, made more glorious by the music sung by the choirs of St. Francis de Sales Oratory, Louis Vierne's Messe solennelle, a joyous reception was prepared for Father in the hall. Joined by the faithful, Father Herman recalled in thanksgiving his priestly ordination twenty-five years ago, and received a gift presented on behalf of the Institute's Superiors by the Substitute of the Provincial.