Wisconsin Boys Summer Camp

July 14, 2014 found boys from across America and beyond gathered in a little paradise just outside of Wausau, Wisconsin. Its vast expanse of meadows and woodland make it a perfect place for these future men to pitch camp. And, now, this year, the campers were treated to the sight of a beautiful chapel erected in a magnificent new barn perfectly suited for the task, in which they would meet regularly for instruction – both in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and inspirational spiritual talks. The Institute of Christ the King Boy’s Camp of 2014 had begun. It would be a great success thanks to the many enthusiastic boys as well as the Canon, seminarians, candidates, and fathers who ran the camp.

Throughout the following days the boys learned to apply their instruction concerning the four Cardinal virtues – Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, and Temperance - into the many duties and tasks that provided ample opportunity to develop and practice true manliness. They dug the hole for the wooden flagpole that they had put together with their own hands. They fashioned a new fire pit to better accommodate the campers who would gather there later for the bonfires. And, perhaps the most significant, they hauled stone and earth and worked away with their shovels to build a natural dirt ramp in a stunningly short space of time that went to immediate use as the path by which to reach the chapel on higher ground.

This experiences were certainly no less full of calls to virtue than the many excellent and exhilarating games and activities through the week, whether it was arrows zipping through the air guided by their agile archers, or horses trotting through the woods bearing their able riders. Whether they were racing through the pool at the water park, or sending their bowling balls down the lane for a strike. And no matter what side they found themselves on in the Great War broken out anew on its first centennial, the eight teams of boys, representing four nations of the Allies and four nations of the Central Powers, set the WWI theme for camp as they clashed for victory – through virtue.

Each day reached its completion first in a walk to the woods sounding the praises of Our Blessed Lady through the Rosary. Then the United States flag was solemnly lowered by the team assigned to color guard duty that day. To end with, laughter and music brightened the night sky as much as the blazing bonfire which was in the center of many fun skits and songs.

At the end of the grace-filled week, the boys returned to the place at which they commenced their camp – to the chapel for a glorious Solemn High Mass, with the sun’s rays piercing through the smoke of incense that rose so gracefully with the Gregorian chant. These are the memories that, imprinted in the minds of these future men, will drive them forward as the return to the world to fight for Christ.