Visit of Archbishop Carlson in St. Louis

Archbishop Carlson, St. Louis

Saint Francis de Sales Oratory, the Institute's apostolate in St. Louis, received with great joy a pastoral visit from His Grace, the Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, on Sunday, October 9, 2011.

Accompanied by the Rector, Canon Michael Wiener, the Archbishop processed from the rectory to the main entrance of the Saint Francis de Sales church, under a canopy carried by four members of the Oratory in formal military uniform. At the entrance of the church, the Archbishop knelt and kissed a crucifix. With the holy water presented to him by the Rector, he sprinkled himself and those around him and was then incensed. The procession continued down the length of the Oratory to the main altar as the Archbishop blessed the faithful along the way.  On arriving in the sanctuary, the Archbishop knelt at the foot of the altar, where the Rector sung a prayer. After kissing the Altar, the Archbishop chanted the prayer of Saint Francis de Sales from the missal: Orémus.  Deus, qui ad animárum salútem beátum Francíscum Confessórem tuum atque Pontíficem ómnibus ómnia factum esse voluísti: concéde propítius; ut caritátis tuæ dulcédine perfúsi, ejus dirigéntibus mónitis ac suffragántibus méritis, ætérna gáudia consequámur.  Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Thus, with the beautiful ceremony prescribed by the Church, began the pastoral visit of Archbishop Carlson. After the chanting of the Gospel of this Solemn High Mass, the Archbishop gave a sermon full of encouragement, and a fatherly exhortation to meditate on the two commandments to love God and to love our neighbor. He emphasized the harmonious relationship between these two mandates.

After the 10:00 AM Mass and pontifical blessing, the festivities continued in the Oratory hall, where the faithful formed a long receiving line to greet and thank the Archbishop.