Prior General Visits St. Mary's in Wausau

Wisconsin Latin Mass

The faithful of St. Mary's Oratory in Wausau, Wisconsin were pleased to receive our Prior General Monsignor Wach on his annual visit to their apostolate. This year, it was on May 31 that he came—ninth anniversary of the consecration of the Oratory. St. Mary's choir sang Palestrina's Missa Aeterna Christi Munera for the occasion. The evening solemn Mass was followed by a reception in the church hall, where the children's Angel Choir sang in Monsignor's honor and the faithful had a chance to speak with him and, perhaps, to meet him for the first time.

Monsignor Wach took this opportunity to announce some exciting news for next year: on May 31, 2013, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke will come to St. Mary's Oratory to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the church's consecration. It was Cardinal Burke who, then as Bishop of La Crosse, consecrated the church in 2003. How fitting it will be for him to ascend once more the high altar of St. Mary's Oratory, now as a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church! It is thanks to His Eminence that the restoration of St. Mary's was made possible. The faithful of the Oratory will be truly grateful for the opportunity to celebrate this milestone with him and express their gratitude to Almighty God for the many blessings they have received these past ten years.