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St. Joseph Shrine Sermons
- 2025-01-12 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
- 2025-01-05 And His Name is Emmanuel
- 2025-01-01 The Circumcision of Our Lord
- 2024-12-29 Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity
- 2024-12-25 Two Christmas Angels: Pax and Vita
- 2024-12-22 Make Straight His Path
- 2024-12-15 Gaudete Sunday
- 2024-12-08 Today's Miracle of Notre Dame: Beacon of Hope
- 2024-12-07 Our Lady of the Pillar
- 2024-12-04 Canon Silvey, Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 2024-12-01 First Sunday of Advent, Our Lady of Fatima
- 2024-11-30 Monsignor Wach, Our Lady of Lourdes
- 2024-11-24 Abomination of Desolation?
- 2024-11-17 Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-11-10 Why Let Weeds and the Wheat Grow Together?
- 2024-11-03 Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- 2024-11-02 All Souls Day
- 2024-11-01 All Saints Day
- 2024-10-27 Kingship and Fidelity
- 2024-10-20 Law and Lesser Evil
- 2024-10-13 Twenty first Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-09-22 To Drink or not to Drink: That is the Question!
- 2024-09-15 Unity, Foundation of Peace
- 2024-09-08 Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-08-25 Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-08-22 Immaculate Heart of the BVM
- 2024-08-18 Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-07-28 The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-07-21 The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-07-14 The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-06-30 How to Survive Chaos?
- 2024-06-23 The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2024-06-16 The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, Whom Shall I Fear
- 2024-06-09 Becoming an Apostle of The Sacred Heart
- 2024-05-30 Corpus Christi: For He Has Loved Us First
- 2024-05-26 The Trinity: An Argumentation Against Polytheism
- 2024-05-19 Pentecost
- 2024-05-12 Sunday After the Ascension: If You Love Me Keep My Commandments
- 2024-05-09 The Ascension of Our Lord; I Am With You Always
- 2024-05-05 May Crowning: Rosa Mystica
- 2024-05-01 The Solemnity of St. Joseph
- 2024-04-28 Does God Always Answer Our Prayers
- 2024-04-21 Third Sunday After Easter
- 2024-04-15 Requiem for Jessica Hanna-Unfailing Treasures
- 2024-04-14 The Good Shepherd: Conformity to God's Will
- 2024-04-08 Feast of the Annunciation, transferred
- 2024-04-07 Low Sunday
- 2024-03-31 Easter Sunday: Remember the Promises of Your Baptism
- 2024-03-29 Good Friday: Videbunt in Quem Transfixerunt
- 2024-03-28 Maundy Thursday: Symbolism and Spirituality
- 2024-03-24 Palm Sunday: The Palms, A Sign of VIctory
- 2024-03-21 The Feast of St. Benedict
- 2024-03-19 The Feast of St. Joseph
- 2024-03-18 Novena Day 8: Seventh Sorrow and Seventh Joy: The Loss of Jesus and the Finding of Jesus in the Temple
- 2024-03-17 Novena Day 7: Sixth Sorrow and Sixth Joy: The Return from Egypt and Life with Jesus and Mary at Nazareth
- 2024-03-16 Novena Day 6: Fifth Sorrow and Fifth Joy: The Flight Into Egypt-Overthrow of the Idols in Egypt
- 2024-03-15 Novena Day 5: Fourth Sorrow and Fourth Joy: The Prophecy of Simeon and the Fruits of the Redemption
- 2024-03-14 Novena Day 4: Third Sorrow and Third Joy: The Circumcision — the Holy Name of Jesus
- 2024-03-13 Novena Day 3: Second Sorrow and Second Joy: The Poverty of Jesus’ Birth — the Birth of the Savior
- 2024-03-12 Novena Day 2: First Sorrow and First Joy: The Doubt of St. Joseph — the Message of the Angel
- 2024-03-11 Novena Day 1: Introduction-Hoc enim sentite in vobis quod et in Christo Jesu
- 2024-03-10 Laetare Sunday: A Pause During Lent?
- 2024-03-07 St. Thomas Aquinas
- 2024-03-03 Curiousity Killed the Cat
- 2024-03-01 Why Are ye Fearful, Oh ye of Little Faith
- 2024-02-25 The Transfiguration
- 2024-02-18 Temptations and the Art of Talking Back to the Devil
- 2024-02-14 Ash Wednesday
- 2024-02-11 A New Perspective on Doing the Truth in Charity
- 2024-02-04 Sexagesima Sunday
- 2024-01-29 Salesian Tools for Successful Education
- 2024-01-28 St. Francis de Sales Five Degrees of Humility
- 2024-01-21 Third Sunday After Epiphany
- 2024-01-14 Second Sunday After Epiphany
- 2024-01-07 Feast of the Holy Family
- 2024-01-01 Feast of the Circumcision Octave Day of Christmas
- 2023-12-31 The Prologue of St. John: Christmas Octave
- 2023-12-25 Christmas Day
- 2023-12-24 Vigil of Christmas
- 2023-12-17 Gaudete Sunday. Peace; Living Gently with Humility in the Midst of War
- 2023-12-08 The Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- 2023-12-16 Rorate
- 2023-12-10 Second Sunday of Advent
- 2023-12-03 First Sunday of Advent. Novena: The Visitation
- 2023-11-26 Twentisixth Sunday After Pentecost
- 2023-11-19 God Does Not Need Great Means to do Great Miracles
- 2023-11-05 Twentithird Sunday After Pentecost
- 2023-11-02 All Souls Day
- 2023-11-01 Can't You Do What These Have Done? A Call to Holiness
- 2023-10-29 Christ the King Sunday Sermon
- 2023-10-22 Twentifirst Sunday after Pentecost
- 2023-10-08 Conforming Anger to Right Reason, Tools for Good Education
- 2023-10-01 Pray the Rosary
- 2023-09-29 Quis ut Deus
- 2023-09-17 The Grace of God
- 2023-09-10 Healthy Remedies For A Parish Family
- 2023-09-03 Seek First The Kingdom of God
- 2023-08-20 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
- 2023-08-15 Assumption of Our Lady
- 2023-08-13 Compunction
- 2023-08-06 The Transfiguration
- 2023-07-30 Correspondence with Grace
- 2023-07-26 St. Anne
- 2023-07-23 How To Profit From Our Faults
- 2023-07-16 The Importance of Faith
- 2023-06-25 Confidence in God
- 2023-06-17 Why devotion to the Sacred Heart?