A Huge Success for the Infant King!

2020 11 Success


On the eve of All Saints, a small reception was held at the Infant King Priory to fundraise for the building of the Institute's U.S. Provincial Headquarters & Shrine of Christ the King.  Friends and supporters enjoyed the afternoon together with the canons and oblates of the Institute, raising together $27,000 toward this most important project to honor Christ our King. 

This family gathering was the culmination of the Institute's nine-day giving drive, which additionally raised over $100,000 nationwide, unlocking a matching gift of another $100,000.  In total, our united efforts in love raised over $250,000 for Christ our King in just one week.  We couldn't have done this without you, and we wouldn't have wanted to try, because your part in this is what our Infant King loves most!

Your many sacrifices to build this throne for our Blessed Lord in the heart of America are united with thousands of souls from all over the United States who share your desire to visibly honor Christ as King in our world today.  To this, our Divine Infant King imparts His most benevolent blessing and promises His eternal reward.  May Christ our Holy Infant King reward you abundantly for all you do for His greater glory and for the salvation of souls!

As we patiently wait for the city permits to begin Phase II of this monumental project, we thank the Infant Jesus for this valuable time necessary to raise the funds required for an efficient, effective, and timely construction period.  All of this is possible because of your efforts in grace, dear faithful.  Thank you.  Together, we will build a throne for Christ our Infant King and a spiritual home for all those who wish to serve Him.

Thank you, and may the Infant Jesus bless you always!