Building Our Provincial Shrine of Christ the King:  Electrical and Plumbing Installation

Thanks to the great generosity and enthusiasm from our friends and benefactors from around the United States, the first part of Phase II restoration began in late August at the Shrine. This work involved excavation and grading of the interior floor, as well as installation of electrical conduits and plumbing. This will be followed by installation of the radiant heating system into the floor prior to pouring the massive concrete slab.
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Work begins on the first part of Phase II to excavate and grade the interior
Workers also began excavating areas which will be the sacraria for the altars in the church. The sacraria are special sinks used for the reverent disposal of sacred substances. They have drains that empty directly into the earth, rather than into the sewer system.
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Part 1 of Phase II will provide a 6” thick, structural concrete slab to the church’s narthex, nave, sanctuary, and basement as a foundation for the subsequent steps in Phase II. 
Thank you for your generous support in these difficult times for the Church as you help build a stable home for the Institute in the United States, making visible the reign of Christ the King in all things!
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 Conceptual rendering of the U.S. Provincial Shrine of Christ the King interior 
The total cost of this first part of Phase II is $765,000.
Would you like to invest in this important project to help ensure the stability and growth of the Institute in the United
States of America?  We need your help!
With your generous help, we hope to complete Part 1 of Phase II by December 2021 and continue with Part 2 before year’s end.
You are helping to build a true throne for Jesus Christ our King in the heart of America.  May He, whom you honor with your offering in faith, bless you abundantly and protect you in these turbulent times!  Together, let us put Christ's house first. 
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and everything else will be provided for you." 
Matthew 6:33