His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop in Chicago, conferred the clerical tonsure and Minor Orders to about fifty seminarians and oblate brothers at the Seminary Chapel on the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle, June 30, 2015. In the Tonsure ceremony, the Bishop removes five locks of hair in the shape of the cross in order to denote the renunciation of the vanities of the world. Then each of the newly tonsured receive the white surplice from the Bishop as he exhorts them in the words of St. Paul to put on the justice and sanctity of the new man.
For the first of the Minor Orders, namely that of Porter, the Bishop presents the clerics with a key symbolizing the keys of the church. The newly ordained then each perform the function associated with the order by opening and closing the door of the chapel and ringing the chapel bell. Those who are ordained as Lectors touch the Lectionary and receive the blessing of the Bishop in order to fulfill their duties to care for sacred books, to chant the liturgical lessons, and according to traditional custom, to bless the first fruits of the harvest. The Exorcists likewise place their hands upon the Ritual and are blessed by the Bishop in this new Order by which they obtain special graces to overcome the temptations of the demon in their own lives. The Acolytes touch the candle as well as the empty wine cruet as a sign that with the blessing of the Church they are now to reflect the light of Christ by exemplary service at the altar and also in the world.
For each seminarian, receiving successive Minor Orders represents a deepening commitment and growing conformance to the humility and dignity of the priesthood. For each clerical oblate who serves the Church as a brother in the family of the Institute, each Minor Order offers the grace to better fulfill his vocation by worthy participation at Holy Mass and in the recitation of the Divine Office, as well as by effectively training others in the apostolates to serve and sing in the Liturgy.
Following the ordination ceremonies His Excellency, Bishop Perry, then continued with the celebration of Low Mass for the many clergy and faithful who were present for this festive occasion.