As in previous years, this year's oblate retreat at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis was an important time for self-reflection, good resolutions, and renewal both spiritual and physical. These few days spent in silence laid the foundation to enhance our hearts' fervor and commitment. Other profitable elements included spiritual conferences, frequenting the sacraments, and communal meals and prayer. The retreat culminated with the solemn celebration of the classical Roman Liturgy.
Our spiritual master, St. Francis de Sales, taught that there is no clock, however good, that will not need taking to pieces each year to perform a comprehensive examination. So it is with our heart, he reminds us, that at least once a year we carefully inspect our affections and passions and repair our defects caused by pride and time. I could not have thought of a better way to do this then this retreat which aided my vocation and duty to grow in holiness and attain true devotion.
Abbe Kevin Koski
St. Mary’s Oratory, Wausau, Wisconsin