Months of anticipation and final preparations culminated on Sunday April 26, 2015, when His Excellency, the Reverend Michael Barber, Bishop of Oakland, came to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute apostolate at St. Margaret Mary church in Oakland, CA. The liturgical celebration began with the Bishop blessing the congregation as he entered the church. After vesting, he assisted at the Solemn High Mass celebrated by Canon Matthew Talarico, Substitute for the US Provincial. Also present were Canon William Avis, the Master of Ceremony for the US Province, Canon Raphael Ueda, and many clergy associate with the Institute apostolates in California. The sermon given by the Bishop focused on the Sacrifice of the Mass, its meaning and efficacy when celebrated with beauty and solemnity. A Solemn Te Deum followed the Mass; led by His Excellency and all the clergy, the faithful joined in the Benediction, giving thanks to God for the Church, for the Bishop, and for the Institute.
It was in January, 2005, when, at the invitation of then-Bishop Allen Vigneron, the Institute came to Oakland and established its apostolate at St. Margaret Mary. Although an indult Mass had been celebrated at St. Margaret Mary since September 1989, the Institute’s arrival brought many welcomed additions. High Mass was celebrated every Sunday, daily Mass in the Extraordinary Form offered every day of the week, and all sacraments in the Extraordinary Form made available. Since that first year, the apostolate has inspired in many a deeper love of the Church, gained many faithful attendees, as well as several vocations. Canon Joel Estrada’s first Mass here last September was considered by many faithful as a joyful homecoming.
The rich blessings of these 10 years are truly a cause for thanksgiving. Following the liturgical celebrations in the church, a festive reception was given in honor of Bishop Barber in the Fr. Kozina Hall of the church. In remembrance of this occasion, Canon Meney presented the Bishop a gift on behalf of this Institute apostolate: a reliquary containing the relics of St. Francis de Sales, St. Margaret Mary, and St. Jeanne de Chantal.
The Bishop’s visit marked the official celebration of the apostolate’s 10thanniversary, although this special milestone will be marked in many other ways throughout the year. The faithful of the apostolate are very grateful for the many graces with which this apostolate has been blessed, the many seminarians who have come to visit, and most especially, the Institute priests who have helped to bring these graces to the apostolate: Canon Michel Wiener, Canon Jean-Marie Moreau, Canon Henrique Fragelli, Canon William Avis, Canon Olivier Meney, and Abbe Kevin Kerscher.
St. Margaret Mary, pray for us!