On Tuesday, June 14, the Institute’s Prior General, Monsignor Gilles Wach, visited St. Patrick’s Oratory in Green Bay, Wisconsin. During the solemn High Mass which he offered, Monsignor spoke of the importance of prayer and union with God through the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. After the Liturgy, the community of St Patrick's joyfully welcomed Monsignor during a reception which the faithful had carefully prepared. The chaplain, Canon Antoine Boucheron, spoke on behalf of the faithful, expressing gratitude for Monsignor’s “annual visit, continuous support, precious prayers, and very helpful guidance.” Everybody was impressed to hear the good news of the eleven priestly ordinations which were to take place in July at the Institute’s seminary. The Oratory family promised their prayers for Monsignor as well as for the new priests, as Monsignor requested.
Photos courtesy of Mary Roehrig