Strength and Meekness
Each year the St. Michael’s Patrol Boy’s Camp in Wausau, Wisconsin, becomes more and more spiritually rich. The boy’s camp of 2016 was a complete success. The campers were presented with two virtues to practice throughout the week: Strength (also known as the cardinal virtue of Fortitude) and Meekness (sometimes called “gentleness” part of the cardinal virtue of Temperance). Focusing on these virtues, dear to the Salesian spirituality of the Institute of Christ the King, the campers had a great team spirit which made it very difficult to choose the winning team of the “spirit award.”
Each day, the motto of our patron, Saint Benedict, Ora et Labora, “Prayer and Work” was put into practice: Prayer: Mass every morning, confession and spiritual conferences by one of the clerics. Work: Various chores to be done with the team such as dishes or chopping wood for the campfire.
The camp did not lack plenty of games to foster personal blossoming and teamwork. Eagerly facing each other on the playing field to win points for their teams, the campers participated in capture the flag, bowling, horseback riding and archery. Each team was always accompanied, supported and motivated by the canons, seminarians, oblates and counselors. We were furthermore graced by the presence of one of the Institutes’ newly ordained deacons. The Institute’s priests, deacon, seminarians and oblates led the assembled campers and chaperones in singing the Night Office of Compline at the end of each day.