His Excellency Most Reverend Gerald Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, Arizona, visited St. Gianna Oratory and Holy Family Parish for Confirmations. The Confirmations and Low Mass of a Bishop took place on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:00p.m. During this ceremony the Bishop administered the sacrament of confirmation to 30 people. The ages of those who were confirmed varied between 11 and 84. This included Mrs. Alberta Sasaki who recently converted to the Catholic Faith.
Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior and Canon William Avis, Rector of St. Gianna Oratory and Administrator of Holy Family Parish served as Chaplains to the Bishop. Abbe Matthew O'Hora, Clerical Oblate based in Tucson acted as Master of Ceremonies. Afterwards there was a celebration social in the Church Basement, during which a presentation and word of thanks was made to His Excellency Bishop Kicanas.
Most of these confirmation candidates have been a part of our weekly Confirmation Preparation classes for the last two years. A special word of thanks is due to the teachers who prepared them. Namely, Mrs. Gina Hann, Mrs. Sylvia Cordova, and Mrs. Ana Aranda.
We continue to pray for those who have been confirmed and ask God to keep them strong in their faith!