Announcement: Sisters Adorers First House in the USA


2019 05 SisterADorersMonsignor Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, is pleased to announce that the feminine branch of the Institute, the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, will open their first religious house in the United States. With the approval and paternal blessing of His Excellency, the Most Reverend William P. Callahan, Bishop of La Crosse, this house will be located in the very diocese where the Institute began its ministry in America some twenty years ago, and which has now yielded seven vocations to the Sisters Adorers. Though the official arrival date is yet to be determined, the process will begin in the autumn of 2019 for three sisters to open this American foundation in a house in close proximity to St. Mary's Oratory, where the Institute currently exercises its apostolate in the Diocese of La Crosse.

The work of the Institute throughout the United States will now be supported in a special way by the prayer apostolate of the sisters, who consecrate their daily life of attendance at Mass, chanting of the Divine Office, and Eucharistic adoration to the sanctification of the clergy and the souls confided to them. A particular spiritual work of this convent of the sisters will be to pray daily for the Bishop, clergy and people of the Diocese of La Crosse. The sisters will also have the potential eventually to make vestments and liturgical linens and take part in faith formation activities with the small children and female youth who frequent the Oratory.

Msgr. Wach would like to express his profound gratitude to His Excellency Bishop Callahan for according this warm welcome to the Sisters Adorers in America. It is his sincere hope that the sisters' presence in Wausau will bear great fruit in the Institute's continued service in the Diocese of La Crosse and throughout the United States.