- News
The new academic year began at St. Philip Neri International Seminary at the start of September with a spiritual retreat on the theme of the Most Blessed Sacrament as a sign of God's love preached by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop in Astana, Kazakhstan.
That is the statement the Rev. Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior of the US Province of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, would like to pass on to the many friends, benefactors, and residents of the city of Chicago regarding the October 7th fire that has devastated for a second time the historic church, now known as the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, on 64th and Woodlawn.
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop in Chicago, conferred the clerical tonsure and Minor Orders to about fifty seminarians and oblate brothers at the Seminary Chapel on the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle, June 30, 2015.
On July 2, the Feast of the Visitation, feast so dear to St. Francis de Sales, patron of the Institute, eleven men were ordained to the holy priesthood by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Patronus of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, at the Church of Ss. Michael and Cajetan in Florence, Italy. The eleven new priests include one American, one Canadian, one British, one Spaniard, while the other seven are natives of France. Many hundreds of faithful came from around the world to witness this heavenly Liturgy of Priestly Ordination which is described below.
On the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, July 1, His Grace, the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, ordained 7 deacons and 9 subdeacons including five Americans at the Institute’s Church of Ss. Michele e Gaetano in Florence, Italy.
During the week of preparation for the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Institute priests serving in the American Provence met at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis for their annual retreat from June 8-12.
September 7-14, 2015 Canon Jayr leads an 8 Day Pilgrimage to Quebec City and Montreal.
Sursum Corda's second annual March for Life trip enjoyed some success even before it began, with the number of pilgrims doubling from the previous year and the provision of charter bus to accommodate the growing group.
The Institute's Choir Camp 2015 will take place during the first week of August and will be held again in Kentucky at Mount Saint Joseph, the Motherhouse of the Ursuline Order.
You are invited on a 10 day pilgrimage to Italy, from June 27-July 6, 2015, for the Institute’s Ordinations’ Week in Florence!