Oakland Apostolate Celebrates 10 Years

Oakland Apostolate Celebrates 10 Years

Months of anticipation and final preparations culminated on Sunday April 26, 2015, when His Excellency, the Reverend Michael Barber, Bishop of Oakland, came to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute apostolate at St. Margaret Mary church in Oakland, CA.

Join Us For a Pilgrimage to Canada

Join Us For a Pilgrimage to Canada

September 7-14, 2015 Canon Jayr leads an 8 Day Pilgrimage to Quebec City and Montreal.

Institute Young Adult Group at March for Life

Institute Young Adult Group at March for Life

Sursum Corda's second annual March for Life trip enjoyed some success even before it began, with the number of pilgrims doubling from the previous year and the provision of charter bus to accommodate the growing group.

Choir Camp 2015: August 2-7

Choir Camp 2015: August 2-7

The Institute's Choir Camp 2015 will take place during the first week of August and will be held again in Kentucky at Mount Saint Joseph, the Motherhouse of the Ursuline Order.

Join Us for Ordinations Pilgrimage in Florence

Join Us for Ordinations Pilgrimage in Florence

You are invited on a 10 day pilgrimage to Italy, from June 27-July 6, 2015, for the Institute’s Ordinations’ Week in Florence!



On Saturday, November 22, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Gerald F. Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, Arizona, conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form at Holy Family church to over twenty candidates from St. Gianna Oratory and Holy Family Parish. His Excellency then offered the Low Mass of a Bishop. The Oratory choir sang Latin motets for both the Rite of Confirmation and the Pontifical Mass.

Confirmations at the Shrine of Christ the King

Confirmations at the Shrine of Christ the King

On Sunday, October 26 2014, the Solemnity of the Kingship of Christ, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, confirmed a large class of young adults. The number of Confirmandi gave tangible proof to the growing sacramental life at the Shrine of Christ the King. Most of them had already received sacraments at the Shrine as young children and they have now grown into young adults under the loving watch of the Infant King. Others, adults, had recently been baptized and received into the Church. They hail from the local neighborhood and show the salutary effect the presence of the Shrine is having in the South Side Community.

Clerical Oblate Annual Retreat

Clerical Oblate Annual Retreat

The Clerical Oblates of the Institute of Christ the King took their yearly retreat from September 29th to October 3rd.

Institute Summer Choir Camp

Institute Summer Choir Camp

Returning to the Mount St. Joseph Retreat Center in Kentucky, the Institute of Christ the King held its 5th annual Choir Camp bringing together many musically talented students from far and wide.

Another Look at the Ordinations in St. Louis

Another Look at the Ordinations in St. Louis

The Catholic Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

Saint Michael’s Patrol Camp, California 2014

Saint Michael’s Patrol Camp, California 2014

Overlooking the glistening San Francisco Bay from the solitude of the hills in Kensington, California, at the future site of the Carmelite convent of Jesus and Mary, four days did sixteen boys and young men engage themselves in the Institute’s Saint Michael’s Patrol Camp.