Four American Priests Ordained In St. Louis

Four American Priests Ordained In St. Louis

In a beautiful four hour-long ceremony which was truly a glimpse of the heavenly Liturgy, four priests were ordained for Holy Mother Church by His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, on August 5, Feast of the Dedication of St. Mary Major (also known as, the Feast of Our Lady of Snows), at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis, Missouri.

Corpus Christi Processions 2014

Corpus Christi Processions 2014

Fresh rose petals along the ground, little girls in white dresses, incense wafting through the air, kneeling figures before a solemn outdoor altar, whereupon a gleaming monstrance stands – these have become familiar and anticipated sights of Corpus Christi in all Institute apostolates across the United States.

Guadalupe Pilgrimage: Following the Cristeros

Guadalupe Pilgrimage: Following the Cristeros

For the second year in a row, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest has led a pilgrimage--this time to Mexico. Fifteen pilgrims from Arizona, California, Illinois, and Wisconsin accompanied spiritual director, the Reverend Canon Jayr.

Sursum Corda: Calling All Young Adults!

Sursum Corda: Calling All Young Adults!

Sursum Corda is a nationwide initiative to foster the spiritual lives of the young adults in the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King.

Upcoming Priestly Ordinations in the US

Upcoming Priestly Ordinations in the US

"O Lord, send us many holy priests!" It is the custom in the worldwide apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest to add this invocation to the Divine Praises which are recited at each Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Choir Camp 2014: August 18 - 23

Choir Camp 2014: August 18 - 23

The Institute's Choir Camp 2014 will take place during the third week of August and will be held again in Kentucky at Mount Saint Joseph, the Motherhouse of the Ursuline Order.

Christmas at the Shrine of Christ the King

Christmas at the Shrine of Christ the King

At the home of the Infant King, Christmas has a most significant importance. Where His Divine Infancy is celebrated year-round, the commemoration of His birth is all the more grand. In the magnificent setting of a restoration-in-progress Church, decorated by generously donated tall, elegant Christmas trees, all three Masses of Christmas were offered publically.

March for Life West Coast 2014

March for Life West Coast 2014

In memory of the more than 50 million babies killed by abortion in the United States since Roe v. Wade, more than 60,000 people joined the 10th annual Walk for Life West Coast, marching down Market Street in the heart of San Francisco, a city well-known for its flouting of morality.

Sursum Corda March for Life

Sursum Corda March for Life

The first Sursum Corda pilgrimage to the March for Life 2014 was a tremendous success.

Christmas in the Institute Across America

Christmas in the Institute Across America

Christmas was the favorite feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron of the Institute. The holy Bishop and Doctor had a special love for the mystery of the Incarnation, in which the infinite God was born as an Infant Child in the humble stable of Bethlehem.

Adult Confirmations at the Shrine

Adult Confirmations at the Shrine

On Sunday, November 17th, His Excellency Bishop Perry confirmed several adults at theShrine of Christ the King. On a day when the wind of Chicago was particularly strong, the newly confirmed had a tangible idea of the strength of the Spirit they received in Confirmation.

Pontifical Mass at St. Anthony's Oratory

Pontifical Mass at St. Anthony's Oratory

The recent patronal feast of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest was celebrated at St. Anthony of Padua Oratory, West Orange, New Jersey, with particular splendor this year in our newly renovated chapel.