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Sursum Corda March for Life
The first Sursum Corda pilgrimage to the March for Life 2014 was a tremendous success.
The first Sursum Corda pilgrimage to the March for Life 2014 was a tremendous success.
The Church Militant has 23 new full-fledged members.
Under the patronage of St. Philip Neri, the International Seminary of the Institute has begun another academic year in the buildings of the Villa Martelli situated in the Tuscan hills ten miles east of Florence.
In the 18 year history of the Pilgrimage for Restoration to Auriesville, New York, this marks the first in which the Institute of Christ the King's young adult initiative, Sursum Corda, has participated as its own brigade. We formed the largest brigade to march this year amongst the 250 pilgrims.
The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is happy to announce a Spring 2014 Pilgrimage to see the holy sites in Mexico.