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Register Now for Choir Camp in August
The Institute is pleased to offer a unique opportunity to children age 9-15: a completely immersive experience in Catholic choral music and musicianship.
The Institute is pleased to offer a unique opportunity to children age 9-15: a completely immersive experience in Catholic choral music and musicianship.
More than 35 schola directors and singers from various apostolates attended the Gregorian Chant Workshop for the Serious Student, which took place in March at the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago, the Institute's operation center in the US.
On January 21, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Robert Finn, Bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (in which the Institute's Old Saint Patrick's Oratory is located) visited the international seminary in Gricigliano.
In December the Institute's international seminary was honored to receive the visit of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider, ORC, Auxiliary Bishop in Kazakhstan, who has already celebrated Holy Mass at the Institute's Mass apostolate in Rome at Chiesa Gesu e Maria.
As the already large number of seminarians from the United States continues to steadily increase, the celebration of American Thanksgiving at our International Seminary in Gricigliano, Italy, becomes grander with each passing year.
On December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest organized for the second consecutive year a candlelight Marian procession through the very heart of Rome in honor of Mary Immaculate.
On Sunday, September 20, 2009, His Excellency the Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Bishop of Oakland, California, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass at Saint Margaret Mary church.