Messages from Canon Benjamin Norman..

The Transfiguration of Our Lord (10th Sunday after Pentecost), August 6, 2023 
Dear faithful, 
Of all the miracles Our Lord worked during His public ministry, His Transfiguration is perhaps that which forms the most lively inspiration for our meditation. By this glorious manifestation the Divine Master, who had just foretold His Passion to the Apostles (Matthew 16:21), and who spoke with Moses and Elias of the trials which awaited Him at Jerusalem, strengthened the faith of his three friends and prepared them for the terrible struggle of which they were to be witnesses in Gethsemani, by giving them a foretaste of the glory and heavenly delights to which we attain by suffering.
We too find ourselves in a period of great suffering for Holy Mother Church. She has been betrayed by so many false shepherds, who would see her relinquish Her immemorial teachings to accommodate a sinful world. May the remembrance of Our Lord’s glorious Transfiguration strengthen us in the knowledge that Almighty God will not remain silent forever in the face of apostasy. He will vindicate the True Faith in His good time, and cast these errors back down into Hell, from whence they came.
Abbé Teague will lead an altar server training this Sunday during the reception after the 12:30 Mass. The training will cover the function of Master of Ceremonies at High Mass, and is thus oriented towards more experienced servers. 
“Chartres sonne, Chartres t'appelle!” The bells of Chartres sound and beckon you, dear faithful! The Cathedral of Chartres, France, that is. Our very own Canon Benoit Jayr, Rector of St. Stanislaus Oratory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be leading a U.S. contingent to the most well-known Traditional Catholic pilgrimage in the world, the Pentecost Pilgrimage from Paris to the Cathedral of Chartres.
Spanning three days and over eighty miles on foot (May 18-20, 2024), with Masses, Adorations, confessions, singing, and yearly bringing fifteen to twenty-thousand pilgrims, this pilgrimage should be on the bucket list of anyone drawn to the Traditional Latin Liturgy. It has grown so much in popularity in recent years that it was sold out last year. I don’t mind mentioning (boasting, pardon me!) that I myself am a three-time veteran of this pilgrimage, and heartily recommend it. Perhaps I'll soon be a four-time veteran.. 
After the Pentecost Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, Canon Jayr will lead a 12-day tour of various shrines and churches in France. Canon Talarico’s letter with all the precise information is attached below. You can learn more about the three-day Chartres Pentecost Pilgrimage by contacting Mr. Lincoln Oro at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information and to register for the 12-day shrines of France pilgrimage (May 20-31, 2024), visit Please note that there are limited spaces: to avoid disappointment, register early! Registration is on a first come, first served basis. 
The Reverend Mother of the Sisters Adorers, Mother Madeleine Marie, wishes to thank all of you, dear faithful, for your generous contributions earlier this year. In a recent letter, she writes:
“I am particularly touched by the generosity of your faithful towards our community…We thank your faithful for their material support but also for their prayers for us.”
A big thank you from me as well! Your generosity in giving and sacrificing is, in my view, what has made it possible for our apostolate to provide several vocations to the Institute of Christ the King, and more on the way. On that note, the Second Collection at both the 7 am and 12:30 pm Masses this Sunday will go to the benefit of the Institute of Christ the King
Our monthly Men’s Group evening will be this Wednesday, August 9 from 7:15 – 9:15 pm in Fr. Kozina Hall. Come join us for a lively talk on an article of the Catholic Faith, followed by Q&A, and of course a convivial dinner with other Catholic men striving for holiness. RSVP:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Once again, I will be out of town on vacation and then at the Institute’s annual General Chapter from August 14 – September 2. I will be back for both Masses on Sunday, September 3. Please check the bulletin for information about my priestly replacements. There will not be a Lesson in Liturgy or Sursum Corda during the month of August, but these will both resume in September. There will be the monthly Blessing of Sacramentals after the 10 am Mass on Saturday, August 26. 
Wishing you a blessed Sunday,
Canon Norman

 Mobile: 408-600-4218
Marian Antiphons: link

Other information...

White cloth attached to the Communion rail: This is a precaution taken to protect the Blessed Sacrament from defilement by falling on the floor. All you have to do when receiving Communion is place your hands together, turn them over palms-up, and insert them underneath the cloth. This way, you form a little covered plateau (like a little altar!) to protect Our Lord from falling.

Blessing of items: Please contact Canon Norman to schedule a time to have your items blessed. 

Leading the Rosary: Men who are interested in leading the Rosary before the Sunday 7am and 12:30pm Masses, please contact Cann Norman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before mass.

Marian Antiphons:

The Institute’s recent Gregorian chant recording, Gaudeamus Omnes, contains the four seasonal Marian antiphons as part of the Office of Compline, in simple and solemn tones. These Marian anthems can be downloaded individually on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, CD Baby and more. For details and to hear clips of each track, go to:

Cell Phones: Please have your cell phones on silent. 

Prayer Responses during Masses: Low Mass: The altar servers are responding for the faithful so there is no need for the faithful to respond. High Mass: The faithful are welcomed to sing/respond for the Ordinaries. 

Parking Tickets: Please be aware of street parking/street cleaning to avoid parking tickets.

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