The Oakland Apostolate's music program is begining to develop. We have budding organists and a mixed schola. The mixed schola has sung Requiem Masses, First Saturdays, and other Masses by request of Canon Norman. May you please visit our Mass page for videos and to hear our Scholas and organist: link
At our apostolates, a considerable amount of time and energy is invested to assure that the chant is well-rehearsed, carefully executed and above all prayerful. If you would like to try chanting, please contact Dennison Gallardo:
Chant class for beginners
Would you like to learn to chant? Would you like to praise God "twice?"
Join our Beginner's Chant Class:
• Learn to read chant music.
• Be able to sing and pronounce Ecclesiastical Latin.
• Increase your faith by learning how the Mass works.For further information please contact Crissa at
Upcoming chant classes for beginners...
Saturday, June 24, 9-9:55 am at SMM in recepetion hall.
Saturday, July 15 & 29 9-9:55 am at SMM in reception hall.
Schola Practices