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General Information

The traditional Latin Mass is offered daily at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



  • There are two Masses every Sunday: a Low Mass at 8 a.m., and a High (sung) Mass at 11 a.m. (If you've never been to the Latin Mass before, we suggest you start out by attending the High Mass.)
  • Low Mass is offered every weekday at noon. On Tuesdays, there is a second Mass at 7 p.m. 
  • Two Masses are celebrated on most Holy Days of Obligation – a daytime Low Mass, and a High Mass at 7:00 p.m.
  • Low Masses are also said on the First Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Catechism Program

Over 240 children from 100 families take part in the Parish Catechism program, which meets each Sunday from September to May. We have a full and accredited series of religious instructions for children in grades K through 12. All of our teachers are knowledgeable and devout Catholics who have fulfilled the requirements for "Protecting God's Children," as well as other diocesan requirements. Classes are held in the school adjacent to church, on Sundays from 9:25 to 10:15 a.m. Donuts and drinks are available each week before classes begin. Classes for the 2024–25 school year began September 8th. New families are always welcome.

Regulations and Registration  Only families who are registered parishioners of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish are permitted to enroll their children in the Catechism program. Parents must submit a copy of their child's Baptismal Certificate before reception of a new sacrament. There is an annual registration fee of $15 per child, with a maximum of $45 for three or more children, for participation in the Catechism program.

Download the Catechism Program's Regulations

Questions? Contact Catechism Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

View photos of Bishop Athanasius Schneider visiting our Catechism classes in October 2022.

Music Program

The Schola Cantorum provides music for the High (Sung) Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. The Schola's purpose is to prepare the chants of the Mass, the responses and the Ordinary, to intone the singing proper to the people, and to intone the chants of the Roman Gradual proper to the Choir. Moreover, the Schola prepares polyphonic music to add greater solemnity to the Mass, and on the most solemn occasions, will substitute polyphonic compositions for the Ordinary chants, thus opening wide the greatest treasury of the Church. Our repertoire of sacred polyphony includes compositions from medieval times through those penned in recent years.

Those wishing to join the schola are encouraged to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an audition.

A full video and photos of the Schola Cantorum singing the Fauré Requiem


Our parish depends on volunteers to perform the countless tasks necessary to maintain the church and other buildings, and to run our social events. If you are willing to help out in any way, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

From Canon William Avis:
Our parish is very blessed to have talented volunteers willing to spend their time on important, essential projects.
For anyone that has life experience in business, carpentry, communication, construction, engineering, garment production, IT, law, mechanical systems, or other experience that you wish to offer to the parish, please contact our parish office.
As little as an hour a week can make a significant difference as we build this apostolate — For the Glory of Christ our King.


Baptisms & Weddings

Contact Canon Avis by phone or in person in order to make these arrangements. Weddings must be scheduled at least six months in advance. "Parents are obliged to see to it that infants are baptized within the first weeks after birth..." (Canon 867)


Each Sunday, beginning one hour before Mass.
Before all weekday Masses; see schedule on the Home page or in the bulletin.


Please contact Canon Avis or have the funeral director call him.

Visitation of the Sick

Canon Avis or Canon Bourgeois will bring Holy Communion to the homes of those who are too ill to attend Mass. Please call to make arrangements. Please note that the Sacrament of Anointing should be administered at the beginning of a serious illness; do not wait until the patient is so ill he is no longer conscious. Every hospital in the diocese has a priest-chaplain for emergency service. Ask the attending nurse for assistance.

Preparing for Baptism

Every parent should be keenly aware of the serious responsibility he has to have his child baptized SOON after birth. The longer a child goes without Baptism, the longer he goes without Sanctifying Grace in his soul, the longer he goes without being a Son of God, the longer he goes without membership in the Church. And remember, Baptism is the initiation into all the other Sacraments as well. Some parents worry over much about choosing the godparents - not because they are worried about finding a virtuous Catholic, but because of purely secular reasons. This is to reduce the Sacrament to a purely secular occasion, like the initiation into a club or a rite of passage. Parents ought never to neglect this serious responsibility. "Parents are obliged to see to it that infants are baptized within the first weeks after birth…" (Canon 867)

Policy for First Confession and First Holy Communion

1)      At least one parent of children who wish to receive these Sacraments must be a practicing Catholic and a registered member of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish. The children deserve to be raised within a family where the Catholic Faith is actually lived.

2)     Children will receive these Sacraments in the second semester of second grade. Children preparing for these Sacraments must have completed two years of religious instruction (both first and second grade). First Confession will be administered on the last Friday of April, and First Communion will be given the last Saturday of April.

3)     If a child transfers into our program from some other religious education program, the level of preparedness of that child must first be determined by the pastor.

4)     In regard to children of home schooling parents: The parents need to speak with the pastor at the beginning of the school year so that he may determine the child’s readiness. Ordinarily, these children will be expected to attend catechism classes with the other children preparing for the Sacraments. Please note that individual first Communions will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.


The church parking lot has 61 spaces (4 of them for handicapped), so most parishioners must find on-street parking on Sundays. California Avenue is a wide main street with parking permitted on both sides. The area shown in green on the map below is less than a three minute walk from the church.

Please be courteous and mindful of our neighbors by not blocking driveways.

The parking lot behind the school is restricted on Sundays to permit holders only.

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

Jesus Christ has founded the Catholic Church in order to pass on His teachings to a world so desperately in need of truth and in order to lead all men to heaven.
Are you a non-Catholic interested in becoming a Catholic? Do you know a non-Catholic or a lapsed Catholic who has questions about the Catholic faith? If you would like to learn more about the claims and teachings of the Catholic Church, please contact the Rector by phone or e-mail in order to set up a meeting. There is nothing to lose, and eternity to gain!
The current Adult Convert Class began on October 20, 2024, in preparation for Easter Vigil 2025. Classes are held once a week on the parish campus. Dates, times, and subjects are announced via email to those who are registered. Please call the Parish Office (412-761-1508) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up an appointment with Canon Bourgeois.

Mass Intentions

The Parish Mass Intention Registry is currently closed. Mass intentions are accepted during specific periods throughout the calendar year, with each open period announced in the bulletin, in advance of the request period. Instructions and forms are made available at that time.

First Friday Devotions

The first Friday of each month is dedicated for reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion consists in going to confession and receiving Holy Communion with the intention of making reparation to the Sacred Heart.
12 noon – Low Mass followed by the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
7 p.m. – Low Mass followed by Benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart devotions.

First Saturday Devotions

The first Saturday of each month is dedicated for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This devotion consists in going to confession, receiving Holy Communion, praying five decades of the rosary and spending fifteen minutes in meditation on the mysteries of the rosary with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart.
9 a.m. – Low Mass followed by Marian devotions.

Sacramental Records

With Saint John XXIII Quasi-Parish becoming Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in 2019, the sacramental records of both Holy Wisdom and Saint John XXIII were transferred to the Diocesan Archives and Records Center.

Those needing a Baptismal, First Holy Communion or Confirmation certificate that was conferred at either Holy Wisdom Parish or Saint John XXIII Quasi-Parish will need to contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Archives and Records Center

Open Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm. The office is closed on national holidays and Holy Days.

Phone: (412) 456-3158

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sancta Missa: the prayers of today's Mass, automatically updated with propers

Post Decem Annos: A History of the Tridentine Mass in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, 1970-1999

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