Holy Hill Pilgrimage Led by Prior General

With the fatherly presence of the Founder and Prior General of the Institute, Monsignor Gilles Wach, many hundreds of faithful and friends of the Institute participated in a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians at the Basilica popularly known as "Holy Hill" near Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Saturday, June 2.

Our Time in History

It is my pleasure to announce the beginning of the "Our Time in History" capital campaign. With this campaign we will establish a building fund to provide the necessary funds for the restoration of St. Stanislaus Church. In the first phase of this multi-part beautification project starting in the late summer/early fall of 2012 we will restore the Narthex and update the Climate Control System with new air conditioninganon Jayr units. The Narthex restoration includes beautiful wood French doors and transoms with etched glass as well as new flooring and lighting will be added.


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