Sacred Heart Retreat Center Updates: June

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A thank you to all the many generous and helpful volunteers who assisted Sacred Heart Retreat Center to prepare for the various upcoming events that will take place on site!
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Work has begun on the outdoor bath house. This building served as a lavatory facility for the many outdoor events held at the Friary over the years. It is being updated to serve that same need with an immediate goal of the upcoming camps.

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The pre-seminary candidates from Wausau came down for a couple of days to help prepare for the Sacred Heart Society retreat and the priest's retreat. They helped to move over 25 beds in preparation for the 35 canons who will make their annual retreat in June.
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Thank you to everyone who donated items from the Retreat Center's Amazon wish list! The clergy are touched by the generosity from people near and far. The picture does not show everything has not been delivered but this gives you an idea of how much has been received so far.
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As the mosaic stations were no longer on the property, a generous donor was able to procure some brass stations and mount them on the stone edifices. This will allow the priests (and others one day) to make the Way of the Cross.
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Thank you to the volunteers who donated some flowers for the flower beds. Thank you to the volunteers who donated some elbow grease and sweat to help weed and plant!
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