Sacred music


The PDF files below are reproductions of the Gregorian Chant propers of the Mass in notation inspired by the Liber Usualis. These were developed for scholas and choirs of the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King. They are free to download for use in the study and performance of sacred music.

The files are roughly organized by calendar day, which simplifies locating propers for upcoming celebrations. But please note: The indicated dates are only for organizing the files; it is absolutely necessary to consult a liturgical calendar or Ordo to determine which Mass is to be celebrated on a given day.

In a few cases, the files contain chants that might not be used on the indicated day, but are interesting for historical reasons. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to include explanatory notes in the files themselves. Chanters may find it helpful to consult the various editions of the Liber Usualis and Graduale Romanum, or ideally a Priest to indentify with certainty which chants are to be sung.

“Gregorian Chant has always been regarded as the supreme model for sacred music, so that it is fully legitimate to lay down the following rule: the more closely a composition for church approaches in its movement, inspiration and savor the Gregorian form, the more sacred and liturgical it becomes; and the more out of harmony it is with that supreme model, the less worthy it is of the temple. The ancient traditional Gregorian Chant must, therefore, in a large measure be restored to the functions of public worship, and the fact must be accepted by all that an ecclesiastical function loses none of its solemnity when accompanied by this music alone.”

Pope Pius X, Tra le Sollecitudini, 1903

“Finally, while respecting various styles and different and highly praiseworthy traditions, I desire, in accordance with the request advanced by the Synod Fathers, that Gregorian chant be suitably esteemed and employed as the chant proper to the Roman liturgy.”

Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, 2007

Jump To: Advent, After Pentecost, Paschaltide, Holy Week, Lent, Septuagesima, After Epiphany, Christmas, Common of Saints, Votive Masses, Kyriale, Proprium de Tempore, Proprium Sanctorum

Advent (2024)

Season after Pentecost (2024)

Paschaltide (2024)

Holy Week (2024)

Lent (2024)

Season of Septuagesima (2024)

Season after Epiphany (2024)

Christmastide (2023-2024)

Common of Saints

Vigil of an Apostle: Ego autem sicut
Common of Sovereign Pontiffs: Si díligis me (Liber Usualis p. 11221)
Common of a Martyr Bishop:
        Mass I: Státuit (Liber Usualis p. 1129)
        Mass II: Sacerdótes Dei (Liber Usualis p. 1132)
Common of a Martyr not a Bishop:
        Mass I: In virtúte tua (Liber Usualis p. 1135)
        Mass II: Lætábitur (Liber Usualis p. 1138)
Common of Martyrs in Paschal Time:
        Mass of One Martyr: Protexísti me (Liber Usualis p. 1146)
        Mass of Two or More Martyrs: Sancti tui (Liber Usualis p. 1149)
Common of Two or More Martyrs outside Paschal Time:
        Mass I: Intret (Liber Usualis p. 1162)
        Mass II: Sapiéntiam (Liber Usualis p. 1166)
        Mass III: Salus autem (Liber Usualis p. 1169)
Common of a Confessor Bishop:
        Mass I: Státuit (Liber Usualis p. 1182)
        Mass II: Sacerdótes tui (Liber Usualis p. 1186)
Common of Doctors: In médio (Liber Usualis p. 1190)
Common of a Confessor not a Bishop:
        Mass I: Os justi (Liber Usualis p. 1200)
        Mass II: Justus ut palma (Liber Usualis p. 1204)
Common of Abbots: Os justi (Liber Usualis p. 1206)
Common of Virgins
        For a Virgin Martyr:
                Mass I: Loquébar (Liber Usualis p. 1215)
                Mass II: Me expectavérunt (Liber Usualis p. 1220)
        For Two or More Virgin Martyrs: Liber Usualis p. 1225
        For a Virgin not a Martyr:
                Mass I: Dilexísti (Liber Usualis p. 1225)
                Mass II: Vultum tuum (Liber Usualis p. 1229)
Common of a Holy Woman:
        Mass of a Holy Woman Martyr: Me expectavérunt (Liber Usualis p. 1237)
        Mass of a Holy Woman not a Martyr: Cognóvi (Liber Usualis p. 1239)
Common of the Dedication of a Church: Terríbilis est (Liber Usualis p. 1250)
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Salve sancta Parens (Liber Usualis p. 1263)

Commune Sanctorum pro aliquibus locis (Graduale Romanum pp. 114**-141**)
        Commune plurium Confessorum Pontificum: Sacerdótes Síon
        Commune plurium Confessorum non Pontificum: Confiteántur
        Commune plurium Virginum:
                I. Pro Martyribus: Déus méus
                II. Pro Virginibus tantum: Vírgines láudent
        Commune plurium non Virginum:
                I. Pro Martyribus: Da nóbis, Déus
                II. Pro non Martyribus: Dómine Déus

Votive Masses

Sacred Heart of Jesus (First Friday)

Our Lady's Saturday

Burial Service and Mass of the Dead

Other Votive Masses

Seasonal Marian Antiphons

Cantus Selecti for Benediction

Additional Material


At the aspersion

Ordinary of the Mass

Chants ad libitum

Proprium de Tempore

The Nativity of Our Lord - Dec 25
Patronal feast of the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago.



Season of Septuagesima


Holy Week

Octave of Easter

Paschal Time

Season after Pentecost

Proprium Sanctorum













You may also be interested in the highly acclaimed CDs of Gregorian Chant by the Institute's seminarians.

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