Sunday, February 5 was a blessed day in Detroit, as His Grace the Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit, visited St. Joseph Oratory to install Reverend Canon Michael Stein as Pastor. Also present for the occasion was Reverend Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior, and a good number of diocesan priests and local religious as a great sign of spiritual unity within the Archdiocese.
The Installation ceremony poignantly revealed all the essential duties of a Pastor: to offer Mass and distribute Holy Communion; to bring people to the church, baptize, and absolve them; and to preach the Gospel. The ceremony began with His Grace imposing the pastoral stole on Canon Stein in the vestibule of the church. Following the entrance procession with the majestic Ecce Sacerdos by Stadler, all chanted the Veni Creator Spiritus. Canon Stein then knelt in front of the Archbishop to recite the Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity.
Archbishop Vigneron guided Canon to open and close the doors of the tabernacle and touch the ciborium therein. The Schola chanted the Magnificat antiphon and verse from the Second Vespers of the feast of the church’s patron, St. Joseph, and Canon Stein prayed the Collect from the same feast. The Archbishop led Canon to ring the bell, to open and close the front door of the church, to open and close the baptismal font, to enter one of the four confessionals in the church, and to ascend the high pulpit. From the pulpit, Canon Stein emphasized the Installation shows that within Holy Mother Church, any and all authority is received. St. Peter receives from Our Lord. The bishops receive from the apostles. The pastor receives from the bishop.
Following the Installation ceremony, Canon Stein celebrated a Solemn High Mass in the presence of His Grace with Palestrina’s Missa Aeterna Christi Munera. Archbishop Vigneron powerfully preached on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians 3:12-17 and the Gospel parable of the sower and the cockle, Matthew 13:24-30. He declared that because Jesus Christ has destroyed death, we are assured of His victory and can trust in His providence. We can thank God always, even when it seems cockle is growing, because Jesus Christ is victorious. The Archbishop explained that Canon Stein is at St. Joseph Oratory to continually proclaim, by word and example, that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. The priest immerses his people into the victory of Jesus Christ through all the sacraments, above all the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Archbishop Vigneron then expressed that from the beginning of his acquaintance with the Institute, he has been very impressed with its embrace of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales in peacefully dealing with the trials of life and moving forward with confidence in God's providence, and with the Institute’s dedication to Christ as Sovereign Priest. “Sovereign! Christ rules. Christ is triumphant. There is no doubt about it. He is victorious. He is victorious as a priest, as the one who offers sacrifice. And so whatever our trials are in life, whatever the cockle is that burdens us, that gets in our way, by facing it with confidence, with abandonment to God’s providence, it becomes a sacrifice, something pleasing to Our Father.”
During a vibrant Reception in the Social Hall, Canon Talarico thanked Archbishop Vigneron for confiding the flock of St. Joseph to the care of the Institute, and the parish family also expressed its profound gratitude. Spiritual bouquets and gifts were presented to Archbishop Vigneron and Canon Stein.
Sincere thanks to the altar servers, Mr. Michael Semaan and the St. Joseph Cappella and Chant Schola, and the many volunteers who brought to fruition the details of this beautiful day. As Archbishop Vigneron frequently prays, Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!