On Saturday, November 12, the clergy and faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory were honored by the presence of His Grace the Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of Saint Louis. His Grace conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on 42 youth and 3 adults. He was assisted by Canon Jean-Baptiste Commins and Father Eric Kunz as chaplains, and by Canon David Silvey and Abbé Alex Barga as masters of ceremonies. Reverend Canon Matthew Talarico, provincial superior, and Reverend Canon Michael Wiener, rector of St. Francis de Sales Oratory, were present at the ceremony.
His Grace gave a powerful sermon on the invocation “Come, Holy Ghost.” He made reference to the increasing degradation of secular culture, and the necessity for Catholics to grow in their Faith in order to act as soldiers of Christ in the modern world. Catholics need to fortify themselves in the Holy Ghost in order to give an example of virtue to the secular culture.
After the confirmations, His Grace assisted at the Solemn High Mass celebrated Canon Michael Wiener. All at St. Francis de Sales Oratory were grateful to the team of altars boys which served the sacred liturgies, as well as to Mr. Nicholas Botkins and the Oratory choir, in particular for their rendition of Victoria’s O Quam Gloriosam Mass setting.
Mass was followed by a joyful reception with the confirmed and their families and friends. The faithful of the Oratory had a chance greet and thank Archbishop Carlson for his pastoral solicitude for the Oratory community. The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest thanks His Grace for his continued support of our work in St. Louis.
Deo gratias for the many blessings received!