On Saturday, February 18th, the Canons and faithful Old St. Patrick Oratory welcomed His Excellency, the Most Reverend James V. Johnston, Bishop of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, Missouri, for his second visit this year. On this occasion, His Excellency came to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation with the assistance of Canon Talarico, Provincial Superior of the Institute in the U.S., Canon Glenn Gardner, Vice-Rector of Old St. Patrick Oratory and Canon William Avis, Master of Ceremonies for the American province. We were honored with the presence of two diocesan priests, Frs. Joseph Totton and Evan Harkins who served as “familiares”, as well as Fr. Lawrence Carney, and Deacon Ralph Wehner, diocesan MC and assistant to the bishop who took their place ‘in choro”.
After delivering a sermon on the importance of the unique work of the Holy Ghost in the lives of every Christian and especially His power to strengthen in faith and transform us more and more into the image of Christ, His Excellency invoked the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost and anointed each of the 27 confirmandi, saying "Signo te signo Crucis...I sign thee with the Sign of the Cross and confirm thee in the Chrism of Salvation..." Following the Rite of Confirmation, His Excellency officiated at the Benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. Afterwards a festive reception was held at the Catholic Center to honor our Bishop and to offer our congratulations to the newly confirmed.
The Canons of the Institute and the faithful of Old Saint Patrick Oratory are greatly thankful towards His Excellency. May the newly confirmed correspond faithfully to the graces they received in this Sacrament and pray daily for Bishop Johnston.
- Canon Glenn Gardner