St. Joseph Shrine
To see our full schedule and upcoming events, please refer to our weekly bulletins
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Please see our Bulletin for current Mass and Event times
If you would like an acknowledgement for a Mass Intention or Confraternity Enrollment, please contact the office. One of our secretaries will be available to help you any day other than Thursday. See office hours.
Institute News
About St. Joseph Shrine
Institute of Christ the King
This is an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
The Institute is dedicated to promoting the benevolent reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of human life for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls by restoring Catholic life & culture in the world today.

Rev. Canon Jean-Baptiste Commins, Rector
Rev. Canon Stephen Sharpe, Vicar
Mr. Michael Semaan, Music Director, Organist
Mr. Harold Rutila, Schola Director
Secretarial Staff
Monday: Secretary, 9am-3pm
Tuesday: Jen Dunbar, 10am-4pm
Wednesday: Maureen Thomas, 10am-4pm
Friday: Jane Frost, 10am-3:30pm
Phone:(313) 784-9152
Address: | 1828 Jay Street Detroit, Michigan 48207 |
Email: | |
As an integral part of its mission, the Institute may take or acquire photographs, videos, or voice recordings (“Audiovisual Media”) that communicate news about the implementation of it mission and vision. This Audiovisual Media may be routinely published in printed and digital publications and training materials, and/or on its website or other social media platforms. The Institute is committed to the responsible use of Audiovisual Media. Under no circumstances will the Institute knowingly publish Audiovisual Media that could be an embarrassment, cause scandal, or bring discredit to the Institute or the individuals in any audiovisual media. Neither full names nor contact information will be published for an adult without the individual’s prior written consent, and no Audiovisual Media of an individual will be used in any fundraising appeal without that individual’s prior written consent. Attribution credit will be given when required by applicable copyright laws. As a courtesy, and to the extent possible, the Institute will decline to use Audiovisual Media or will promptly remove Audiovisual Media, upon request. In some circumstances, however, it may be impossible to accommodate such a request, as for example when Audiovisual Media covers a large group at a public event. By permitting a minor to participate in the Institute’s public events, such as Masses, Baptisms, Confirmations, performances, community outreach projects, and similar events, parents and guardians will be deemed to have consented to the Institute’s Audiovisual Media Policy. For private events, parents and guardians will be asked to provide written permission for the use of the minor’s image in a manner consistent with this policy at those events.