From October 24 to November 1, join the Institute family around the world for our Gala Giving Novena to help build the Institute's U.S. Provincial Headquarters & Shrine of Christ the King.
3 Ways to Help Us:
1. Tune in each day for a brief new video message.
Hear from our founder, Monsignor Wach, His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, our Sister Adorers, and friends from around America about what this Shrine means to Jesus and why it is so important for us to build this Spiritual Stronghold in the USA today! 8am ET on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Follow the Institute on Social Media at "ICKSP".
2. Share these video messages with your family and friends and pray they touch many hearts!
We can't do this for Jesus without you! He desires that all of us honor Him as our King. Pray the Memorare with us daily for this intention. Spread the word and share this opportunity with everyone that Christ may reign!
3. Make your donation to help build this Shrine to Christ our King.
Big or small, your gift if precious to His Sacred Heart! If each of us commits to sacrificing just $3/day for one year, we will be able to build the Shrine of Christ the King. Can we not afford to give 10% of what God has given to us back to Him?
Together, we will enthrone Christ as King in America!