To the angels, our churches are the frontier between heaven and earth. Here, the angels worship God side by side with men, women and children, and the accord of our adoration unifies the chasm between time and eternity. Within these sacred walls, heaven and earth are one. How evident this becomes when our earthly churches remind us of heaven, when the invisible mysteries of eternity are made visible for us to behold! In heaven, as on earth, Christ is King. How much more therefore must our Divine Lord be properly enthroned in our nation’s Shrine of Christ the King?
This is the mission and charism of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest: to enthrone Jesus Christ as King in every aspect of human life. This begins in our churches, and it must be most evident within our namesake Provincial Shrine of Christ the King.

Designed by architect William Heyer, the classical basilica-style interior will reflect the genius of Henry Schlacks’ original vision to bring the beauty of Rome to the United States. Heyer has embellished the interior design with details inspired by some of the most beautiful churches ever built by the hands of men.

The stately nobility of the high altar was inspired by the same majestic piece in the Institute’s beautiful Florentine church of Sts. Michael and Cajetan. This already impressive structure is crowned by a dazzling “Gloria” conceived and designed by the artistic genius of Abbe Alexander Willweber, a clerical oblate brother of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. This majestic “cloud of glory” is to be the throne of Christ the King and the focal point of the Provincial Shrine.

Inspired by the love, piety, and devotion of those who have gone before us and those who have handed down to us the treasure of our Faith, the interior of the Institute’s Provincial Shrine of Christ the King will reflect the majesty and beauty of heaven. For the love of our Divine King, the Provincial Shrine of Christ the King will unite both time and place with eternity to serve and adore our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever.
In these difficult times in the world and in the Church, this Spiritual Stronghold will serve the Institute as our Provincial Headquarters in the United States. As our young Institute continues to grow nationwide, having a Provincial Headquarters is critical in continuing our mission to restore Catholic life and culture in America.
Would you like to help restore Catholic culture and parish life in America?
Consider making a donation to help us build our U.S. Provincial Shrine of Christ the King so the Institute can continue to help “rebuild the Church” in the USA.