St. Stanislaus Oratory

2024 oblate banner

Watch our new video series on the Institute's clerical oblates at the link above!

Milwaukee Schedule

Sunday Masses
8:00 AM (Low Mass with organ)
10:00 AM (High Mass)
12:00 Noon (Low Mass)

Monday-Thursday Mass
12:00 Noon (Low Mass)

Friday Mass
6:30 PM (Low Mass)

Saturday Mass
9:00 AM (Low Mass)

Saturday English Mass
4:00 PM (Sunday Obligation)

Please see the bulletin for any other eventual Masses.

Christmas Midnight Mass - St. Stanislaus Oratory


  2025 02 arsinduction1

2025 01 archbishopwithcanons2

2024 12 Christmas Mass Gallery



 2024 10 Holy Year Pilgrimage ZOOM meeting flyer



 St. Stanislaus Ongoing Events


Coffee and Donut Social after 8 am and 10 am Mass in church hall on the first Sunday of each month, except summer months

Adoration and Benediction after every Friday 6:30 pm Mass

Little Innocents Pro-Life Mass  - check the bulletin for this montly Mass time.

** For more information on any of the groups or activities, please contact the office.
Live Stream

About St. Stanislaus

Institute of Christ the King


Clergy and Staff

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Parish Administrator and Rector

Rev. Canon Benoît Jayr, Rector

Assisting Priests

Rev. Canon Erwan Josseaume, Vicar

Rev. Canon David Le, Chaplain of Sheboygan apostolate

Fr. Cliff Ematinger

Fr. Ronald Kotecki (Saturday English parish Mass)

Clergy of the Oratory

Abbé George Baird, Clerical Oblate

Emergency Phone: 414-335-3124


Mrs. Jo Ann Neumann, Secretary

Mr. Christopher Berry, Director of Sacred Music

Mr. Fabian Qamar, Associate Director of Sacred Music

Mr. Mark Schuh, English Mass Organist

Address:    524 W. Historic Mitchell Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204
Emergency Phone:  414-335-3124
Phone: 414-226-5490
Fax: 414-226-5534

Ss. Cyril & Methodius

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