A Recap of the Summer: Immaculate Conception Camp

A Recap of the Summer: Immaculate Conception Camp

The Institute camp activities encourage teamwork and spirit.

Spread the Good News: Newsletter Sign Up

Spread the Good News: Newsletter Sign Up

Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter and join us in the restoration of Catholic life and culture in America.

A Recap of the Summer: Saint Therese Camp 

A Recap of the Summer: Saint Therese Camp 

I can truly say, being at camp is like a family reunion. All the activities strengthen the bond of charity....

Presentation of the New Organ at St. Francis de Sales Oratory

Presentation of the New Organ at St. Francis de Sales Oratory

Please enjoy the first professional audio and video recording of the Wilhelm Organ at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis, Missouri. The organ work played during the video is an original composition by our music director, Mr. James Marck.

St. Francis de Sales Oratory -  Christ the King Music Festival

St. Francis de Sales Oratory - Christ the King Music Festival

Join the St. Francis de Sales Oratory apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest in celebrating the feasts of Christ the King, All Saints and All Souls by way of a weeklong Choir Festival, October 26 - November 2.

Building Our Provincial Shrine:  Additional Structural Work

Building Our Provincial Shrine:  Additional Structural Work

Work continued on the choir loft this month, with the metal deck attached and prepared for the concrete deck overlay.

Troops of St. George Visit Clear Creek Abbey

Troops of St. George Visit Clear Creek Abbey

In the early morning  Thursday, on the vigil of St. John the Baptist, the Troops of St. George fathers and sons mounted their vehicles and started their pilgrimage to our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey- a Benedictine Monastery near Muscogee, Oklahoma USA, near the Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas borders.

A Word from the Sister Adorers:  A Visit to the Society of the  Sacred Heart Retreat

A Word from the Sister Adorers: A Visit to the Society of the  Sacred Heart Retreat

Reverend Mother Madeleine-Marie traveled from Italy to join the Sister Adorers of Wausau, Wisconsin for the annual retreat of the Society of the Sacred Heart during the beautiful weekend of Pentecost.

Across the Province: Corpus Christi

Across the Province: Corpus Christi

We believe that Our Lord is really and truly present in the Holy Eucharist, and as a result, we offer our best on the feast of Corpus Christi, a feast dedicated to His Most Holy Body and Blood.

Building Our Provincial Shrine Of Christ the King: Choir Loft and Provincial Headquarters Windows

Building Our Provincial Shrine Of Christ the King: Choir Loft and Provincial Headquarters Windows

After the pouring of the slab in the church and narthex in the month of March, work continued in the church all through April.

Confirmations in Sulphur

Confirmations in Sulphur

St. Francis de Sales Oratory in Sulphur, Louisiana had the joy of welcoming Bishop Glen Provost for the sacrament of Confirmation.

A Word from the Sister Adorers:  Preparing for Holy Communion

A Word from the Sister Adorers: Preparing for Holy Communion

The Sister Adorers teach the little children in catechism all year and have the special joy of accompanying them during this great day of their first Holy Communion.