Across the World: Consecration to Saint Joseph

Across the World: Consecration to Saint Joseph

On March 19, feast of Saint Joseph, Spouse of Our Lady and Patron of the Universal Church, all of the houses of the Institute of Christ the King throughout the world were united in prayer as they pronounced, in union with the Prior General, the consecration of the Institute to St. Joseph.

A Eucharistic Joy for Laetare Sunday: First Communions in Rockford

A Eucharistic Joy for Laetare Sunday: First Communions in Rockford

On Laetare Sunday, March 27, 15 young boys and girls received for the first time in their lives the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord through the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Building Our Provincial Shrine :  Phase II Restoration - The Basement

Building Our Provincial Shrine :  Phase II Restoration - The Basement

Construction continues on the Shrine of Christ the King this month with a significant step made in the work in the basement.

A New Institute Radio Series:  Lessons in Latin

A New Institute Radio Series: Lessons in Latin

The Institute of Christ the King is pleased to announce its first radio series production: Lessons in Latin: The History of the Parts of the Mass.

From the Sister Adorers:  A Fun First Saturday

From the Sister Adorers: A Fun First Saturday

Every first Saturday of the month, the Sister Adorers in Wausau, WI gather with dozens of girls and young ladies for a day of spiritual and human formation, good friendships, and lots of fun.

Save the Date: Summer Activities

Save the Date: Summer Activities

Got a pen and planner handy? Save a spot in your calendars! This year, the Institute is excited to announce four fun summer camps for your children.

Building Our Provincial Shrine:  Phase II Restoration Continues

Building Our Provincial Shrine:  Phase II Restoration Continues

At the Shrine of Christ the King, electricians have been installing more than 1,000 feet of electrical conduit in the church basement for the future restrooms and mechanical room.

From the Sister Adorers: News from the Novitiate

From the Sister Adorers: News from the Novitiate

The Sister Adorers have welcomed six new postulants this year to their novitiate house in Naples, Italy.

Church Restoration in Sulphur: A New Reredos

Church Restoration in Sulphur: A New Reredos

The work of beautifying the house of God never stops. At St. Francis de Sales Oratory in Sulphur, Louisiana, this means the installation of a new reredos, a work of art situated behind the main altar.

In Defense of the Unborn:  March for Life 2022

In Defense of the Unborn: March for Life 2022

On January 21, during a cold winter morning in Washington, D.C., members from Institute apostolates across the United States marched in support of the unborn.

Phase II Shrine Restoration Continues

Phase II Shrine Restoration Continues

Despite the coming of winter weather, work continues unabated in the Shrine restoration project!

A Hard Day's Work at the Seminary: Setting Up the Nativity Scene

A Hard Day's Work at the Seminary: Setting Up the Nativity Scene

Every year, the first-year seminarians at the International Seminary of St. Philip Neri build from scratch the Nativity scene.