Saturday, January 1st is the beginning of the new year. The Veni Creator (the hymn to the Holy Ghost) will be sung before both Masses (8 & 11 a.m.) that day to invoke God’s protection and guidance in the new year. The faithful may gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions by assisting at the Veni Creator.

On Friday, December 31st, in thanksgiving for all the blessings that God has granted us this year, there will be a special Holy Hour beginning at 6 p.m., ending with the Te Deum (the great hymn of thanksgiving) and Benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament. The faithful may gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions by assisting at the Te Deum.

Our annual Betsy Ann Christmas Candy Fundraiser has begun, and will end on Monday, November 18th, 2024, with pick-up occurring after Masses on Saturday and Sunday, November 23rd and 24th, in the Parish Hall (aka the school building!).BetsyAnnTreeOfChocs
All orders must be placed on-line this year. Detailed instructions are in the PDF below.

Betsy Ann Instructions (PDF)

A huge THANK YOU to Jim & Karen Paras, owners of Betsy Ann Chocolates, for making this fundraiser possible. Thanks also to Peggy Wrabley, who coordinates this fundraiser every year. Please do your part in supporting your parish by eating fabulous chocolates!

The annual Parish Hayride and Bonfire will be Sunday, Oct 13th from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Youthtowne in Clinton, PA. Hot dogs, buns and ingredients for s’mores will be provided, as well as paper products and utensils.

Parishioners are encouraged to bring beverages and any food items to enjoy with your family. The kitchen will not be open—no covered dishes please. Cash donations are welcome.

Sign-up sheets will be at both church entrances as well as in the school entrance during catechism on Sept 29th and Oct 6th. Please mark your calendars so you can enjoy this Fall event with your fellow parishioners. Any questions, feel free to email Ethan Suquet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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