Following the Solemn Mass on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, Father Luke Melcher will give a conference in the Parish Center on “The Nature of Music in the Liturgy.” Father Melcher is the Director of Textual Resources at the International Commission for English in the Liturgy. Light lunch and refreshments available, potluck offerings welcome!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the Octave Day of Christmas and Circumcision of the Lord, is a Holy Day of Obligation.

There will be a Low Mass at 8 a.m., and a High Mass at 11 a.m. 

The Veni Creator (the hymn to the Holy Ghost) will be sung before the High Mass to invoke God’s protection and guidance in the new year. The faithful may gain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions by assisting at the Veni Creator.

Follwing the High Mass, there will be a champagne toast in the Parish Center.


Join us for an Advent tradition! On Thursday, December 19th, there will be a Sung Rorate Mass at 6 a.m. It is called “Rorate” from the opening words of the Introit from the Mass of Our Lady in Advent, and is celebrated before day-break with the church illuminated only by candlelight.

For those desirous of following Mass with a missal, please bring your own candle.

Pictures from the 2023 Rorate Mass.

 Photos courtesy of Allison Girone

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